Monday, April 13, 2009

Someone, please, take a bite

Every time I apply for a job, I think, "I am perfect for this. They HAVE to call me back." So far, I have yet to get any responses. Not even rejections. Nothing.

I apply for about three jobs a day, which is actually a lot considering most jobs have been turned into internships. My temporary job only has a few weeks left and the quiet worried voices that have been in my head are turning into screams. I'm probably going to start serving or hosting a couple days a week to make extra cash, but that won't be enough when the temp job is over. I might be able to squeeze into a customer service job at ICE, or maybe even a marketing job. Maybe.

I just want a definite answer. It's so frustrating, I know I'm qualified for so much and would be perfect for so many of these jobs that won't even call me back.

Someone, please, bite.


katnc24 said...

"Every time I apply for a job, I think, 'I am perfect for this. They HAVE to call me back.' So far, I have yet to get any responses. Not even rejections. Nothing."

Um, yeah. Yep.

Miss Pfaff said...

:( I'm sorry, twin. Hang in there and try not to take it personally. It's not you, it's this terrible economy that's created a lot of competition. It's cliche but true.

You are still a fabulous person with everything to offer. I know you'll land something in this awful job market -- after all, you've done it before.